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Thank you for the way you have helped me



I have been coming to see you for a variety of things for quite a long time. In looking back I realize that a pattern formed that I was not completely aware of at first. With my weekly appointments I have come to know and expect the routine that is well established now.

Before I arrive or even when I simply remember an upcoming appointment my mind recalls the sequence that you and I will go through and my mind automatically slips into the meditative steps of my visits with you.

Each time I arrive you may ask me to walk a little so that you can see how my body moves. Doing this turns on my spatial awareness. I guess it gives you some direction as to how you may treat me that day. These are things I cannot see.

There are though some things that neither of us can see but that I can definitely feel. I know what I can expect long before I arrive. There are the requisite questions about how my body is doing and how I feel physically, mentally and emotionally. The process continues as I get ready to lie on the table. We exchange little tidbits of our lives, and I often inadvertently unburden myself of things that may be troubling myself at the time. You have seen me when I am up, when I am down, or when I am somewhere in between.

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